
Time to Talk – Podcast 01

Welcome to our Shine Women podcast, where Sandra, Leanne, and their guests will discuss topics that are important to women in their journey of life.

In recognition of the theme Time to Talk, the biggest day in the UK for the recognition of mental health, in this first podcast, Sandra and Leanne talk with Linda Neville, Founder and CEO of SanaMenta about the importance of talking, how to recognise some of the sign that someone might be struggling with their mental health, and how to support them.

Dyslexia and Neurodiversity

As part of our webinar series, we had a great conversation with conversation with Author and Dyslexia Campaigner, Keisha Adair Swaby. Her book is called Empowering Dyslexics: Blessed & Gifted. We talk about her journey in discovering the gift and challenge of living with dyslexia.

We are delighted to share the podcast from this conversation here.

Inspiring Inclusion with Michelle Mills-Porter

Our guest in this podcast is the amazing, creative, and innovative Michelle Mills-Porter, a multi-award-winning business owner specialising in non-visual communication. We discuss some of her backgrounds, what got her started in creating behaviour profiling tools, and how they can impact and work to improve inclusion.

Inclusion with Shine Together – December Webinar – Panel

This podcast recording is taken from a webinar in December the invited panels discussed the theme for 2024 Inspiring Inclusion‘.

Joining Leanne and Sandra for this discussion were:

  • Sarah Blackwell, Business Support Director, PCE Ltd
  • Ian Caldwell, CEO, Menphys Charity
  • Gina Samuel-Richards, Founding Solicitor, AGR Law
  • Toni Robinson Founding Director, Nucleus RL Ltd
  • David Major, Director, Creative Direction
  • Martin Heatlie, Group CEO, Smith Brothers Group

The Strength of Female Leaders

This month we’ve been chatting with Lisa Edwards, Chief Inspector at the West Midlands Police Firearms Operations Unit. Lisa has worked in Policing for over 26 years and has been a Chief Inspector since November 2020.

Learning about Menopause with Jacky Wood

Menopause, we’ve all heard about it, but how well do we understand its impact on our lives? Would you recognise the signs of perimenopause? And if you did, do you know what to do next? This month’s podcast welcomes Jacky Wood, Menopause Champion who shares her wealth of knowledge and understanding that will benefit both women and men.

Conscious Leadership with Toni Robinson

Toni Robinson, Director of Nucleus HR joins Leanne and Sandra on the proverbial couch this month for a conversation around conscious leadership, the role of HR particularly in the support of SMEs, and the importance of understanding what it means to become a Director of an organisation. There are legal ramifications to this role. If you are a new or experienced director of an organisation, this is a great podcast for you.