Neurodiversity discussion

01 November 2023

I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Keisha Adair Swaby(BSc First Class Hon) MSc during a BHM event I had the joy to chair. What an amazing woman she is.
Her book ‘Empowering Dyslexics – Blessed & Gifted’ is enlightening in helping us understand the journey of an individual with dyslexia and other neurodiverse gifts that differ from what we might consider the majority of ways people think and learn, but can also be used as a ‘go-to’ resource to explain ideas and information.

I’ve invited Keisha to join me to talk about her journey, her personal discoveries, her book, and what she hopes to achieve in her advocacy.

I hope you will join us on Thursday 30th November 2032 for a lunchtime chat from 12:15 to 13:15. Find out more and register to join us via this link.

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